Get to know us
EPTRI is a Research Infrastructure aiming to promote paediatric research and provide optimal support to facilitate the accruing of knowledge in the many research fields necessary to guarantee the access to high quality and safe paediatric medicine

To increase knowledge on children growth and ontogeny characteristics relevant for the identification of novel therapies dedicated to children and to provide services for their development

To implement competences, research strategies, access to key technologies, standardised models, and analytical tools and to offer to public and private stakeholders qualified basic, preclinical and translational research services covering paediatric medicines discovery and development
Latest News
EPTRI at the IX edition of the EBW
EPTRI participated in the IX Edition of the European Biotech Week, which took place from September 27th to 3rd of October 2021, with three webinars...
First paediatric expert patients training workshops: Applications are now opened
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] In the framework of the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJPRD), TEDDY European Network of Excellence...
EPTRI’s webinar on paediatric formulations carrying biotech drugs in the context of the EBW 2021
EPTRI is pleased to invite you to participate in the webinar “Paediatric formulations carrying biotech drugs: special focus on Covid-19 vaccines”...