Get to know us
EPTRI is a Research Infrastructure aiming to promote paediatric research and provide optimal support to facilitate the accruing of knowledge in the many research fields necessary to guarantee the access to high quality and safe paediatric medicine

To increase knowledge on children growth and ontogeny characteristics relevant for the identification of novel therapies dedicated to children and to provide services for their development

To implement competences, research strategies, access to key technologies, standardised models, and analytical tools and to offer to public and private stakeholders qualified basic, preclinical and translational research services covering paediatric medicines discovery and development
Latest News
EPTRI BoD Member Donato Bonifazi at the Enpr-EMA annual workshop
On 10 October 2023, the 2023 annual workshop of the European Network of Paediatric Research at the European Medicines Agency (Enpr-EMA) presented an...
EPTRI Webinar – Investment and commercial opportunities in child health technology
Our first webinar “Investment and commercial opportunities in child health technology” chaired by Paul Dimitri, was held on September 5th. This...
Hospital Exemption in ATMP development
Within the Revision of the EU general pharmaceuticals legislation, we call for the European Commission to maintain a strong focus on the societal...