Call for abstracts

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A Call for Abstracts has been launched for the EPTRI Open Meeting on February to select abstracts for oral and poster presentations on several topics related to the four thematic research areas of EPTRI. The text of the call is detailed below.

Important Dates for Abstract Submission

  • Deadline for Abstract Submission: February 29th, 2020
  • Notification of Abstract Acceptance (abstract or short talk presentation): March 16th, 2020
  • The presenting author must register to the meeting by March 30th, 2020 in order to be included in the program and to have the abstract published in the online “Book of Abstracts” of EPTRI.

We encourage researchers, companies, agencies, patient groups, health care professionals and all other interested parties to submit an abstract to the EPTRI Open meeting 2020.

Abstract submission

To submit your abstract for an oral or poster presentation to the EPTRI Open meeting 2020, please fill in the Abstract Submission Form.  Presenters can submit a maximum of three abstracts but can be the presenting author of only one. All abstracts must be submitted in English only. Please do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract. All abstracts will be forwarded to the EPTRI Scientific Committee for review. Please contact the Organizing Secretariat ([email protected]) if you need any further information regarding the meeting. The accepted abstract from registered presenting authors will be published in the “Book of Abstracts” of the EPTRI Open meeting 2020 which will be available online on the EPTRI official website at

Abstract acceptance criteria

Abstract will be accepted and scored using the following criteria:

1) Relevance of the topic for paediatric medicines development from medicines discovery, biomarkers identification and preclinical research to developmental pharmacology, age tailored formulations and medical devices

  • Relevance, currency (how new/recent/up-to-date the information/study is), significance and appropriateness to the meeting topics
  • Practical application to the field

2) Quality of content

  • Clarity of the title
  • Concision, coherence and clarity of content (summary of purpose, methodology, results, conclusions, next steps/practical application, etc.)
  • Originality


Author guidelines 

When submitting your abstract, please follow the guidelines given below:

  • Submitter’s contact details (Full first and family name(s), email, phone number, country)
  • Presenting author’s and co-Authors’ details (Full first and family name(s), affiliations)
  • Affiliation details: Institution/Company/University/Hospital/Department, City, Country
  • Abstract type: poster or oral
  • Abstract topic: please choose from the list of topics
  • Abstract title: please add the title in the abstract form
  • Abstract text: please fill the abstract form and keep in mind that the abstract should not exceed 4000 characters with spaces excluding Tables and Figures
  • Keywords: up to 5 keywords may be provided (at least 1 keyword is required to go ahead with the submission)


Topics for Oral and Poster presentations include:

  • Drug targets and assays methods for paediatric medicine
  • Bioinformatics in paediatric drug design
  • Advanced cellular/in vitro models for paediatric diseases
  • Identification / characterisation and validation of paediatric biomarkers
  • Biosample collection and paediatric biobanks
  • Microdosing and dosage adjustment in children/neonates
  • Alternative paediatric clinical studies (Modelling and simulations, observational, secondary use, data sharing, etc)
  • Pharmacogenetics and other omics
  • Placenta physiology and pharmacology
  • Fetal and neonatal normal and pathological development
  • Paediatric Formulation and preformulation
  • Patient experience (taste improvement)
  • Patients contribution in research that underpin clinical studies
  • Formulating delivery systems for biologics
  • Medical devices for paediatric subjects


Confirmation of receipt & notification of decision

You will receive email confirmation that your abstract has been received, indicating the allocated abstract number. Please refer to this abstract number in all further correspondence regarding the abstract. Please, contact [email protected] if you submit an abstract and do not receive confirmation that it has been received. Only the submitter will receive all information concerning the abstract and will be responsible for informing the other Authors of the status of the abstract. After the review by the Scientific Committee, authors will be notified about results by March 16th, 2019. If an abstract is accepted, the presenting author must register in the meeting before March 30th, 2019. The registration is required in order to be included in the program and to have the abstract published in the online “Book of Abstracts” of the EPTRI Open meeting 2020.

Authors of abstracts selected for Oral Presentation will be invited to prepare a full article. Agreement is ongoing with Editors of Peer Reviewed Journals in the EPTRI field of interest.

Copyright & Legal Obligation

All information in the abstract submission, including authors’ names, affiliations, and the content of abstract, will be used in the meeting publications and published on the EPTRI website at  The contributor carries legal obligations of the abstract; any violation to a third party’s rights will be the responsibility of the contributor him/herself.