All the abstracts, which were submitted for oral presentations in the Call for Abstracts, have been evaluated by the Scientific Committee.
The selected abstracts are published below as 10 minutes videos describing the contents of their work.
Please find below all the videos.
Enjoy them!
Drug safety in translational paediatric research – How to anticipate and manage treatment related risk
B. Aurich
Sensitive cellular bioassay for the validation of immunomodulatory and gluten detoxifying strategies
C. Gianfrani
Intestinal TCRγδ+ T cells and IL4+ T cells: biomarkers to evaluate the transition from potential to acute celiac disease in paediatric patients
C. Gianfrani
In silico modelling and simulating for dosage selection in paediatric patient including neonates
E. Jacqz-Aigrain
The importance of Translation Research in Developmental pharmacology to facilitate paediatric clinical drug evalutaion
E. Jacqz-Aigrain
Recording of Abdominal Movements of (Pre)Item Neonates using a Time-of-Flight Camera to Develop a Physiological Abdominal Movement Model
F. C. Wiegandt
Human fibro-adipogenic precursor cells as a new tool for investigating antifibrotic drugs in muscular dystrophies
J. Diaz Manera
Engaging parents and caregivers in paediatric clinical trials, a focus group experience
N. Karantaglis
Investigation and development off propranolol hydrochloride oral solid formulations deisgned for paediatrc patients
N. Denora