Catherine TULEU

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Catherine TULEU

Catherine Tuleu, Docteur en Pharmacie, PhD, is a Professor in Paediatric Pharmaceutics at UCL School of Pharmacy, UK. (h-index = 30; i10-index = 72; ORCID 0000-0001-8384-357X). Her children-centric pharmaceutical research is inherently translational and covers a breadth of themes including Sensory PharmaceuticsTM (in vitro/in vivo taste assessment; acceptability and palatability assessment), administration issues (co-administration with food/beverages and aids) and devices, biopharmaceutics of excipients, innovative age-appropriate dosage form design (especially for under 5s) and reformulation and repurposing better medicines for children. She collaborates extensively with industry, hospitals and other academic units. She was for 10 years a Member of the MHRA Paediatric Medicines Expert Advisory Group. Catherine is the founder and chairperson of the European Paediatric Formulation Initiative (EuPFI), a pre-competitive consortium to advance the development of better and safer medicines for children. More recently, she founded senCeuTics Ltd, a spin-out company focusing on preclinical taste evaluation to support palatable drug product development.