Developmental Pharmacology TRP

Home / Paediatric Research Services / Integrated Services / Developmental Pharmacology TRP

The Developmental Pharmacology TRP is aimed to develop an alternative and comprehensive, paediatric approach in which the knowledge of growth and development/maturation of the organs and functions are fundamental premises to study pharmacological characteristic of a drug and body response.  

Laboratory tests and methods proposed in the Platform are specific for each paediatric age since they are focusing on children maturation changes with growth that affect drug disposition and efficacy and toxicity through all the paediatric ages.  

The TRP also deal with placental research to address pharmacological research questions during pregnancy and the perinatal stage. 

Services are:


Microdosing to establish first dose


Placental studies


Preclinical Paediatric ADME and Modelling & simulations


In vivo developmental animal studies


In vitro models to study ontogeny of drug disposition


In vivo toxicity juvenile animal studies


Sensitive analytical methods adapted to child


Karel Allegaert
KU Leuven, Child Institute


Frantisek Staud
Charles University
